
The Perfect Marriage of a Familiar World Class 1911 and the World's
Most Popular Rim Fire Caliber

It's a match made in a firearm enthusiast's heaven! Les Baer Custom is now offering acomplete rim fire pistol, created by matching Les Baer's match grade 1911 frame with one of the firearm industry's very finest .22 caliber top end conversions. The top end is supplied by highly regarded Nelson Custom Guns. Baer Custom's gunsmiths fit the upper and lower components together with the same care and precision as Les Baer's legendary center fire 1911s. In fact, the Baer frame is equipped with the same accessories that are used in Baer's flagship Premier II pistol. The results are amazing: A rim fire pistol that handles, functions and performs just like the world's most popular 1911 pistols but with much less recoil and considerably lower ammunition costs. Its a perfect choice for target shooting, small game hunting, training, or Bullseye competition.
Special ULTIMATE RIM FIRE features include:
• A factory rail on the top of the slide for mounting optics;
• The barrel is threaded to accept a suppressor;
• Metal magazines are included.
